Shkurat Maria Yevgenivna

Position: Associate Professor 

Scientific degree:  PhD in Economics

Education:  Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University,”Finances”, master



Scientific interests: socio-cultural globalization, management of international companies, the process of European integration, Industry 4.0, the development of the innovative economy, the role and place of international information and communication in modern international relations

Disciplines: Topical issues of international economic relations under Industry 4.0, Cultural determinants of international business, Electronic business , International economic relations, Interdisciplinary training.

The total number of scientific papers is about 40, among which:

Articles in foreign publications:

1. Makogon Yu., Shkurat M., Mulyar L. The introduction of the international experience with collective bargaining and resolution of labor disputes in Ukraine. North – East Asia Aca-demic Forum. 2016. № 1. P. 70–74

2. Savchenko M., Varlamova M., Shkurat M., Melnyk L., BondarV. Development of regional integration groups in the system of global trade and economic relations. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. Vol. 42. No. 4. Р. 536-548 (міжнародне, наукометричне, видання; WEB OF SCIENCE)

3. Mariia Shkurat, Alisa Temerbek. Innovative development of countries in the context of global economic imbalances. Research Papers in Economics and Finance. 4 (4) 2020. P. 49-6

4. Shkurat M. Ye., Kukel G. S., Shtefan L. B., Mazur V. G.. Industry 4.0 development in the EU: capabilities and financial support in post-pandemic recovery. FINANCIAL AND CREDIT ACTIVITY: PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE Volume 2 (43), 2022. С.213-220. (WEB OF SCIENCE)


1. Konkurentni stratehii natsionalnykh vyrobnykiv ahropromyslovoi produktsii u suchasnii paradyhmi hlobalnoho ekonomichnoho seredovyshcha: kolektyvna monohrafiia / za zah. red. T.V. Oriekhovoi ta in. Vinnytsia: DonNU, 2019. 144 р. [in Ukranian]

2. Bahatonatsionalni pidpryiemstva ta hlobalna ekonomika/ Za red. O. I. Rohacha. – K.: «Vydavnytstvo «Tsentr uchbovoi literatury», 2020. 368 р. [in Ukranian]

Proile in


Google scholar:



International activity

Has a B2 level English language certificate. She took part in the project “Tempus Impress” (“Improving the efficiency of student services”) together with representatives of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, under the coordination of Northumbria University (Great Britain), completed an internship in Great Britain on the development of the “Soft Skills” training course.

Research activities:

The total number of scientific papers is about 15, including:

Articles in foreign publications and publications indexed in the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science:

1. Makogon Yu., Shkurat M., Mulyar L. The introduction of the international experience with collective bargaining and resolution of labor disputes in Ukraine. North – East Asia Academic Forum. 2016. № 1. P. 70–74

Articles in professional publications:

1. Shkurat M.Y., Shaulska L.V., Sereda G.V. The Development of Soft Skills in the Provision of Competitiveness of Graduates. Economic Bulletin of Donbass. 2015. № 4. P. 177–181.

2. Shkurat M.Ye. The essence of the formation of collective labor potential of enterprise personnel. Global and national economic problems. 2015. № 8. URL: -potential-personnel-of-the-enterprise (in Ukrainian)

3. Shkurat M.Ye. Information support of personnel management in the conditions of organization of collective work. Economics and organization of management. № 3. pp. 368-374. (in Ukrainian)

4. Shkurat M.Ye. The use of the “Japanese model” of personnel management in TNCs. Economics and organization of management. № 2. P. 282-290. (in Ukrainian)

5. Shkurat M.Ye. Socio-cultural dimension of globalization. Economic analysis. T. 27. № 3. S. 114-119.

6. Shkurat M.Ye., Khadzhynov I.V. Transformation of the personnel management system of international companies. Problems of system approach in economy. 2018. № 6. P. 33–40. (in Ukrainian)

7. Shkurat M., Khadzhynov I. Scaling and effects of socio-cultural globalization. Journal of European economy. № 1 (68). Р. 20-30.

8. Shkurat M.Ye., Negolyuk Y.V. Key factors of development of the innovative direction of “green” economy in the conditions of globalized transformation processes. Economics and organization of management. № 4 (36). P. 182-18. (in Ukrainian)


1. Competitive strategies of national producers of agro-industrial products in the modern paradigm of the global economic environment: a collective monograph / for general ed. T.V. Oriekhova and others. Vinnytsia: DonNU, 2019. 144 p. (in Ukrainian)

2. Multinational enterprises and the global economy / for ed. O.I. Rohach. K.: Publishing House “Center for Educational Literature”, 2020. 368 p. (in Ukrainian)

Textbooks and manuals:

1. International economic relations: textbook / for general ed. T.V. Oriekhova and others. Vinnytsia: Vasyl Stus DonNU, 2019. 464 p. (in Ukrainian)

Participation in international projects

1. Participated in the project “Tempus Impress” (“Improving the efficiency of student services”) together with representatives of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Kharkiv National University named after V. Karazin, under the coordination of the University of Northumbria (Great Britain), underwent an internship in the United Kingdom to develop a training course “Soft Skills”.