Yurchyshena Lyudmila

Liudmyla Yurchyshena

PhD, Associate Professor


From 2015 to the present:

· Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Banking

· Head of Department of Finance and Banking


2018-2003 Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (specialty “Enterprise Economics” (specialist diploma with honors KV №23437657).

2010 National University of Food Technologies (candidate of economic sciences, majoring in economics and enterprise management (by types of economic activity) (diploma of DK №060027))

2012 Vinnytsia University of Finance and Economics (specialty “Finance and credit” (specialist diploma 12 DSK №233910).

2013 Academic title of associate professor of the Department of Finance (Certificate of associate professor 12DC №034240 dated March 1, 2013)

2020-2022 Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (doctoral student)


· Secretary of the Council for the Quality of Higher Education of the University

· Member of the academic council of the university and faculty

· Head of the budget committee of the university

· Expert in ensuring the quality of higher education in the specialty 051 Economics

· Accreditation expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education in specialty 072 Finance, banking and insurance, 051 Economics

· Guarantor and member of the project group of educational programs of specialty 072 “Finance, banking and insurance”

· Coordinator and developer of programs “Automation of business processes. Enterprise management and accounting”, “Development of managerial competence”, “Management competence 3.0”


Organizational skills, communication skills, initiative, purposefulness, creative and critical thinking, responsibility, balance, stress resistance, demandingness, flexibility, adaptability.

Professional interests

Ensuring the internal quality system of higher education, increasing the financial stability of the university in the conditions of expanding financial autonomy



· Training of educational trainers, a joint project of the NGO “Vyshe” and the Saxon Center for Teaching and Learning of Higher Education in Leizig (Germany)

· Participation as a trainer in the “Teaching Art” Training Course for teachers


· Financial literacy trainer certificate from the National Bank of Ukraine

· Developer and coordinator of the Certificate educational program “Management Competence 3.0”

· Online forum “Leaders of Educational Change”


· Certificate №1392/89-90/21 of completing the training course required to attain the Pre-Intermediate Level (A2) in accordance with the CEFR (5 ECTS credits);

· certificate of completion of the course on Prometheus “Personal and family budget”

· X International Business Forum “Science-Business-Education: Strategic Partnership”, Vadym Hetman KNEU, November 23, 2022.

· NBU certificate “Trends of the financial sector and regulatory steps to reduce the impact crisis on the sector in conditions of war November 24, 2022.

· Courses “Google Digital Tools for Education” intermediate level (certificate #GDTfE-01-С-11252), basic level (certificate #GDTfE-01-16475)

· Certificate of a participant in the project on the development of cooperation between business and education “Uni-Biz Bridge” 28-29.09.2022

· Certificate «SSWU TCHR001: Teachers Smart-Up», 08.08.2022

· Certificate No. 18 of a participant in the course “Children and War: Teaching Healing Techniques” (11.07.2022-24.07.2022)

Additional skills and experience

· Participation in working groups for the development of local regulatory documents

· Development, monitoring and verification of educational programs of the faculty/university

· Organization and conducting of methodical seminars, trainings

· Development and implementation of additional educational services of the faculty

· Expert in quality assurance of higher education

· Head of the budget committee of the University, expert on financial issues


Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection

· Shaulska L., Yurchyshena L., Popovskyi Y. Using MS Power BI tools in the university management system to deepen the value proposition. 11-th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies Deggendorf, GERMANY, 2021.

· Laktionova O., Yurchyshena L., Matviychuk V. Income and financial stability of university: sectoral aproach. «FINANCIAL AND CREDIT ACTIVITIES: PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE», 2021.

· Yurchyshena L., Laktionova O. Financial flexibility of universities in adaptation to Covid-19 challenges. International Scientific and Practical Conference „Sustainable Development in the Post-Pandemic Period” (SDPPP-2021). November 9-10, 2021. Том. 126. Tallinn, Estonia. https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/202112608003.

· Yurchyshena L., Shaulska L., Naumova M. Using R programming language to cluster of universities based on sustainability potential. 2022 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies, SLOVAKIA, 26-28 September 2022.


· Transformatsiia sotsialno-ekonomichnykh system v umovakh vyklykiv hlobalnoho staloho rozvytku: monohrafiia / za zah. red. T. V. Oriekhovoi. Vinnytsia : Nilan-LTD, 2021. 448 s. (p. 4.3. Transformatsiia modelei finansuvannia universytetiv: svitova praktyka ta vitchyzniani realii, s.306-332. Obsiah – 1,5 dr. ark).

Publications in publications included in category “B”

· Yurchyshena L.V. Pryntsypy korporatyvnoho upravlinnia: mizhnarodnyi dosvid ta vprovadzhennia v universytetakh. Efektyvna ekonomika. №8, 2020 р. DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2020.8.53.

· Yurchyshena L.V. Vyznachennia biznes-modeli universytetu na osnovi syntezu pidkhodiv do biznes-modeli pidpryiemstva. «Ekonomika i orhanizatsiia upravlinnia», №4, 2020.

· Yurchyshena L. V. Formuvannia novoi paradyhmy vyshchoi osvity: draivery ta ekonomichna model universytetiv. Ekonomika i orhanizatsiia upravlinnia, 2021. №2 (42). s. 142–152.

· Yurchyshena L. V. Model finansuvannia vyshchoi osvity: teoretychni pidkhody ta rezultaty vprovadzhennia v Ukraini. Osvitnia analityka Ukrainy, 2021. № 3 (14). s. 17-32.

· Yurchyshena L. V. Henezys pidkhodiv do poniat «model» ta «ekonomichna model». Mizhnarodnyi zhurnal «Finansovyi prostir». 2021. №4 (44). s.88-98. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18371/fp.4(44).2021.889810.

· Hevchuk A.V., Yurchyshena L.V., Hevchuk O. Instrumenty vdoskonalennia upravlinnia finansovoiu diialnistiu: realii ta perspektyvy. Infrastruktura rynku. 2021. № 59. s. 92–99. DOI: 10.32843/infrastruct59-17.

· Yurchyshena L.V., Petrenko Yu. O. Analiz chutlyvosti publichnykh finansiv do pandemii Covid-19. Naukovyi visnyk ONEU, №9–10, 2021. s. 43-51. DOI:10.32680/2409-9260-2021-9-10-286-287-43-51.

· Yurchyshena L. Teoretychni zasady finansovoi stiikosti universytetiv. Visnyk ekonomiky. 2022. Vyp. 1. s. 22–37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.35774/visnyk2022.01.022.

· Yurchyshena L.V. Chynnyky zabezpechennia finansovoi stiikosti universytetiv v umovakh pandemii ta viiskovoi ahresii RF. Osvitnia analityka Ukrainy, 2022. №2 (18). s. 23-34. DOI: 10.32987/2617-8532-2022-2-23-34.


· Yurchyshena L.V. Suchasni problemy finansuvannia zakladiv vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy. XVI Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia «Upravlinnia sotsialno-ekonomichnym rozvytkom rehioniv i derzhavy», 14-15 kvitnia 2022 r., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraina.

· Yurchyshena L. Tools for ensuring financial stability in the corporate model of university governance. 2nd International Conference on Corporation Management-2022. May 19, 2022 at the Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. URL: https://conf.scnchub.com/index.php/ICCM/ICCM-2022/paper/view/342.

· Yurchyshena L. Strategic financial planning of universities: challenges and opportunities. ICSPM 2022 – 7 th International Conference MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES AND POLICIES IN THE CONTEMPORARY ECONOMY (7th edition), June 9-10, 2022, Moldova.