Educational program



🔹 Master’s degree program “Marketing” and its advantages:
🎓 Marketer – possesses innovative and non-standard thinking, necessary for effective management of marketing activities of companies.
🎓 Marketer – quickly realizes himself in a highly competitive environment.
🎓 Marketer is a profession that combines creativity and pragmatism.
🎓 Marketer – determines trends in the industry and influences transformations in the state’s economy.

🔹 The next decade is a time for the victory of good over evil, a time for rebuilding the economy of our country, as well as a time for revealing one’s own powerful potential and realizing ambitions!

🇺🇦We are moving forward to victory together with Vasyl Ctus Donetsk National University!

🔹 For more information about OP “Marketing” (OP Master) – see the links: