Educational programs of ONS Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Admission to graduate school

🎓Admission to graduate school in 2024: 
Doctoral School of Vasyl Stus DonNU welcomes future researchers and scientists👨‍🎓👩‍🎓. We invite you to become a university family of the Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Ctus and take part in the implementation of current development projects of Ukraine!
🖇According to the new Admission Procedure for Higher Education in 2024, admission to postgraduate studies will take place through competitive tests, namely the successful examination of the Unified Entrance Examination (EVI).
🔍 What do you need for admission?
✏️Register from May 7 to May 29 (inclusive) at the EUI and successfully draw up the terms recognized by the UCEQA
✏️Provide EVA results for 2023 or 2024. The score for a foreign language must be at least 130 points, and for the test of general educational competence (TZNK) – at least 100 points. The results of the EBI will be automatically entered into your card in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education (EDEBO).
✏️ Calendar, programs and EVI are the only introductory forms for both graduate and graduate students. You can get acquainted with the details on the UCEQA website.
✏️If you have an international certificate in a foreign language 🌍 at the level of B2 or higher (for example, TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English), you do not make an EIE. These certificates are considered as the equivalent of the entrance exam in a foreign language for the highest score. Information on the international certificate will also be included in the USEBO.
✏️Learn more about the Order of admission and further steps! (
Forward to new scientific achievements! 📚🎓
We wish you every success!🤝